
Showing posts from May, 2020


GOOD MORNING BOYS,  MARK YOUR ATTENDANCE FIRST . This blog is specifically dealing with your projects  write up: 1. YOUR PROJECT SHOULD HAVE A COVER PAGE WITH YOUR NAME & SPACE FOR BOARD ROLL NUMBER. 2. NEXT PAGE WILL BE INDEX. 3. CERTIFICATE ( Kindly write the following in your certificate page:-   This is to certify that _____________ of class 12- C/D is a   bonafide student of ST.COLUMBA'S SCHOOL, DELHI . They have completed their projects successfully under my supervision . ___________________                                                                                    ________________ Teacher's sign                                    ...


GOOD MORNING BOYS. MARK YOUR ATTENDANCE FIRST. Today we will achieve the following  LEARNING OUTCOMES :- Students will be able to - 1. Utilise the summer break time to complete the various demonstration experiments work from the practical Laboratory Manual. 2. Understand the topics better while observing the practicals . GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS :- 1. Complete the file written work in the practical files during holiday. 2. There are 3 Experiments to be written  a)  Experiment 1 : Adaptation of plants & Animals found in Xerophytic Conditions. b) Experiment  2:  Adaptation of plants & Animals found in Aquatic Conditions. c) Experiment  3 : Study the Adaptations of Flowers for Pollination . 3. In Continuation of the google meet set up today , write only those organism that I made you mark in your Lab Manual. 4. Follow the order to draw pertinent diagrams where their observation are written. Also draw the margins around  the...


GOOD MORNING BOYS . MARK YOUR ATTENDANCE FIRST. Today we will achieve the following LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will be  able to - 1.  Understand & analyse the different composition, structure & function of the Drugs used  by adolescent . 2. Enumerate the various symptoms & affected area in the body by the usage  of the particular drugs used. 3. Interprets the prevention methods for it . GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS : 1. Write your notes in your register. 2. There is only 1 YouTube video link provided with this blog . Watch it first and then start reading the blog notes. 3. Ask your doubts . let's begin .... DRUGS AND ALCOHOL ABUSE The commonly abused drugs are opioids, cannbinoids and coca alkaloids. Most of them are obtained from flowering plants. Some are obtained from fungi. Opioids :  These drugs bind to specific opioid receptors in our central nervous system and in gastrointestinal tract. Heroin is commonly called smac...


GOOD AFTERNOON BOYS. MARK YOUR ATTENDANCE  FIRST . Today we will achieve the following LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will be able to - 1. Define cancer . 2. Differentiate between malignant & benign tumors . 3. Explain the causes of CANCER. 4. List the types of CANCER. 5. Enumerate on the treatment carried out to treat CANCER . GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS : 1. Write your notes in your register .  2. There is only one YouTube video shared with this blog . Kindly watch it first  before reading the blog . 3. Ask your doubts in our Official Watsapp group .  Cancer Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases of human beings and is a major cause of death all over the globe. More than a million Indians suffer from cancer and a large number of them die from it annually. The mechanisms that underlie development of cancer or  oncogenic  transformation of cells, its treatment and control have been some of the most intense areas of research in bio...


GOOD MORNING DEAR STUDENTS . MARK YOUR ATTENDANCE FIRST. Today we will achieve the following LEARNING OUTCOMES:- Students will be able to : 1. Define & explain what is AIDS. 2. Enumerate the causes , symptoms , tests & treatment done for AIDS. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Kindly write your notes in your register. 2. There is one YouTube link send along with this blog . Kindly watch it first. 3. Ask your Doubts . LET'S BEGIN ... CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING LINK TO WATCH THE VIDEO PRESENTATION ABOUT AIDS What Is AIDS? Alternative Name:  Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is the final and most serious stage of  HIV  disease, which causes severe damage to the immune system. The Centers for Disease Control has defined AIDS as beginning when a person with HIV infection has a CD4 cell (also called "t-cell", a type of immune cell) count below 200. It is also defined by ...