Chapter 9 Strategies for Enhancement In Food Production ( Animal Husbandry)

Good morning dear students.
Mark your Attendance first.

Today we will achieve the following Learning outcomes:-

Students will be able to -

1. Know & Understand the Mechanism of Animal Husbandry.
2. Differentiate b/w wild, tamed & domesticated animals.
3. List the important high yielding breeds of cattle, pig, sheep, goat, horse, poultry & their specific uses.
4. Elucidate common diseases of animals, their symptoms & causal organism.


1. There is only One YouTube video link for today's class. Watch it first before reading the blog.

2. Write down your notes in your Register.

3. I will give Homework task in between the lesson that is after completion of the topic.
You can write the Answers in blog space only.


There are different strategies used to Enhance  food yield or food production.

This can be summarize  below :-

So in today's class we will cover Animal Husbandry.
This will be subdivided into :-

a. Milk & meat providing Animals.
b. Egg yielding Animals.
c. Draught Animals.

 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY can be define as :-

Now Let's Attempt First Sets of Questions from the topic covered so far :-

Let's Attempt SECOND sets of questions covered from the topic :-

I will wait for your doubts in our Official Biology Watsapp group.

See you now in RS CLASS.


  1. Good morning ma'am
    Do we write the answers here only?


    1. 1.Animal husbandry
      2.Interdependence on humans are different for each type
      3.Red sindhi and sahiwal
      4.mainly grass and roughage including fibres,legumes etc.

      1.FMD-excessive salivation
      Anthrax-swelling of body
      2.Busra and Aseel
      3.Horse and Yak

  2. Replies
    1. First Set
      1) Animal Husbandry
      2)Wild-breed better when free. eg lion, tiger
      Tamed- caught from wild, trained to be useful to humans. eg elephant,monkey
      Domesticated- are of use at home, easily bred and looked after by humans. eg dog, horse
      3) Gir, Sahiwal
      4) grass and fibrous foods such as hay, fodder, peas,etc.
      Second Set
      1) a) Anthrax- swelling on body, reduced milk yield.
      b)Tuberculosis-dry husky cough, lungs are affected.
      2)Plymouth rock chicken(american),Cornish(english)
      3) i) horse
      ii) elephant.

  3. Replies
    1. Part 1
      a)Animal husbandry
      breed better when free. eg lion, tiger
      Initially wild these animals are domesticated to be useful to humans. eg elephant,monkey
      c)Gir and Sahiwal
      d)Large amounts of Roughage i.e. fibre from sources like hay fibre,legumes etc.

      Easily bred and looked after by humans. eg dog, horse

      Diseases caused by microbes in cattle -
      Anthrax causes swelling on body and decreased milk yield
      Tuberculosis shows dry husky cough lungs are affected
      Aseel and Busra are indigenous poultry birds that have natural immunisation against many diseases and hence are improved varieties.

  4. answers

    Part 1-
    a)Animal Husbandry
    Wild-Those animals that breed better when they are free rather than when they are in captivity,
    They have no common use for humans

    Tamed-Those animals which are caught from the wild and are useful to humans in some way

    Domesticated-Those animals which are useful in homes and can be easily looked after and bred by humans
    c)Gir and Sahiwal
    d)Their main feed includes large amounts of Roughage i.e. fibre from sources like hay fibre,legumes etc.

    Part 2
    a)Anthrax and Tuberculosis-The primary symptoms are swelling of body and decreased yield of milk
    b)Aseel and Frizzle
    c)Horse and Camels

  5. Replies
    1. Answers :
      1) Animal Husbandry
      2) Wild animals are those that are found in the wild and aren't a common social companion for humans.
      Tamed animals are wild animals that have been subjected to psychological reinforcement techniques to make them obey their trainers.
      Domesticated animals are those which have developed a social bond with humans.
      3)Gir, Sahiwal
      4)Cattle feed consists of hay fodder, leguminuous crops like peas and cereals like maize

    2. Answers :
      1) Anthrax- swelling on body and reduced yield of milk
      Tubercolosis-dry husky cough since lungs are affected
      2) Aseel and Chittagong
      3) Horse and Camel

  6. Replies
    1. Set-1
      1) Animal Husbandry
      2) wild animals are those that are found in the wild and aren't a common social companion for humans.
      Tamed animals are wild animals that have been subjected to psychological reinforcement techniques to make them obey their trainers.
      Domesticated animals are those which have developed a social bond with humans.
      3)Gir, Sahiwal
      4)Cattle feed consists of hay fodder, leguminuous crops like peas and cereals like maize

    2. Set-2
      1)Anthrax- swelling on body and reduced yield of milk
      Tubercolosis-dry husky cough since lungs are affected
      2)Aseel and Chittagong
      3) Horse and Camel

  7. a)Animal Husbandry
    Wild-Those animals that breed better when they are free rather than when they are in captivity,
    They have no common use for humans

    Tamed-Those animals which are caught from the wild and are useful to humans in some way

    Domesticated-Those animals which are useful in homes and can be easily looked after and bred by humans
    d)Their main feed includes large amounts of Roughage i.e. fibre from sources like hay fibre,legumes

    Anthrax- swelling on body, reduced milk yield.
    b)Tuberculosis-dry husky cough, lungs are affected.
    2)Plymouth rock chicken(american),Cornish(english)
    3) i) horse
    ii) elephant.

  8. 1) Animal Husbandry
    2)Wild-breed better when free. eg lion, tiger
    Tamed- caught from wild, trained to be useful to humans. eg elephant,monkey
    Domesticated- are of use at home, easily bred and looked after by humans. eg dog, horse
    3) Gir, Sahiwal
    4) grass and fibrous foods such as hay, fodder, peas,etc.

  9. Part 2
    a)Anthrax and Tuberculosis-The primary symptoms are swelling of body and decreased yield of milk
    b)Aseel and Frizzle 
    c)Horse and Camels

  10. Good Morning ma'am
    1.Animal husbandry
    Wild-breed better when free. eg lion, tiger
    Tamed- caught from wild, trained to be useful to humans. eg elephant,monkey
    Domesticated- are of use at home, easily bred and looked after by humans. eg dog, horse
    3) Gir, Sahiwal
    4) grass and fibrous foods such as hay, fodder, peas,etc.

    Part 2

    a)Anthrax and Tuberculosis-The primary symptoms are swelling of body and decreased yield of milk
    b)Aseel and Frizzle
    c)Horse and Camels

  11. First set:-
    1. Animal husbandry

    2. The basic difference between wild, tamed and domestic is as follows:-
    (i) WILD: They are of no use to humans in any way.
    Eg. Tiger, Lion, etc.
    (ii) TAMED: They are animals captured from the wild and trained in such a way that they become useful to humans.
    Eg. Elephants, Horse, etc.
    (iii) DOMESTIC: They are animals which are of use at home.
    Eg. Dogs, Cats, etc.

    3. Gir and Red Sindhi

    4. Grass mainly but they require roughage, grains, oil cakes, seeds, mineral salts and vitamins.

  12. Second set:-
    1. Some common bacterial diseases in cattle are:
    (i) Anthrax: swelling on the body and reduced yield of milk.
    (ii) Tuberculosis: dry husky cough and lungs are affected.

    2. Aseel and Frizzle

    3. Horse and Camels

  13. 1) Animal Husbandry
    2)Wild-breed better when free. eg lion, tiger
    Tamed- caught from wild, trained to be useful to humans. eg elephant,monkey
    Domesticated- are of use at home, easily bred and looked after by humans. eg dog, horse
    3) Gir, Sahiwal
    4) grass and fibrous foods such as hay, fodder, peas,etc.
    1)Anthrax- swelling on body and reduced yield of milk
    Tubercolosis-dry husky cough since lungs are affected
    2)Aseel and Chittagong
    3) Horse and Camel


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