Bee keeping & Fisheries

Good Afternoon  dear students.
Mark your Attendance first.

Today we will achieve the following Learning outcomes :-
Students will be able to :-

1. Analyse & Illustrate the mechanism of Beekeeping.

2. List the importance of Beekeeping & it's products.

3. Analyse & Illustrate the mechanism of Fisheries.

4. List the Economic Importance of Fish products used by man.


1. I have shared 2 YouTube video links with this blog.
 Kindly watch both of them before reading the Blog.

2. Write your notes & answer the homework questions asked at the end.

You can write the answers on email itself & send by evening 6:00 pm.

3. Prepare for a online Test from the  Unit VI ( Reproduction unit) all four chapters on Friday in one of the Biology period.

4. Also I plan to have a google meet with you all this  week. I will confirm about it on our watsapp group & share the link with you all prior to commencement  of the Meet. Try & be there as I want to talk to all of you.

5.Do ask your doubts  ...

So Let's BEGIN



That's what we cover today. Don't forget to read your NCERT online for reference.


Answer the following questions & you can write answers on email itself. It should be submitted today by 6:00 pm.

1. Honey collection improves, when beehives are kept in crop fields during Flowering Season. Explain.

2. Name any 2 crop fields where beehives are kept in crop field during flowering season.

3. Give chemical composition of Honey?

4 . What is ' Blue Revolution'? Name any 2 freshwater & aby 2 marine edible fish's?

5. Explain what is Composite Fish Culture. Explain it with the help of labelled diagram.

6. Differentiate b/w Aquaculture & Mariculture.

----------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll see you tomorrow according to Day 4 timetable.


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